Three part challenge

One of the challenges for one of my art classes was inspired by a painting (oil) by Robert Brindley.  I decided to make this in a challenge of many steps and processes.

Step One

Draw/sketch and then use watercolour to add colour.  This was meant to be a quickish task and one upon which the other two tasks will be built upon.  This was done free hand and in the sketching style of Peter Cronin

Step Two

This next stage was to use tracing paper and copy the image and transfer to a new sheet of A3 paper.  Wahtever methid is used will a teaching oprotunity for the class.  I transfered my watercolour sketch onto a new sheet and used pen and ink as my next medium to use.  tis step took a few hours to complete.

Step Three

The final step is to use the original tracing and transfer i=onto another A3 sheet but this time make it a completd painting in acrylic.  This was a great challenge for me personally and it is one that took many hours but each medium used was a great revision of so many skills.  Very relaxing and most enjoyable.


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