Lighthouse drawing

This is back to basics drawing skills challenge. However, it took a fair few hours. Using technical pencils, normal graphite pencils and finally a charcoal pencil. 

I loved using the chamois cloth for blending and taking off the graphite to get the tonal values. This process is done many times and the gradual build up of graphite gives the whole drawing a real depth to it.  Depending on the paper used will determine the final finish.  Perhaps I should have used Bristol vellum paper instead of mixed media paper.

The various stages took a few good hours.

Here, I laid daown many layers of graphite and blended each layer as I went through the drawing. Using initially a technical pencil.

Below is a more advanced stage of the drawing and the use of darker tones and charcaol pencil was also applied.  The whole porcess is very absorbing and the time does tnd to drift away from you.


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