Pen and Ink - The perfect media for expressive scenes

Tenby in pen and Ink

I wanted to begin another blog with this platform to use and express my love for doing art.

This artistic blog is not just confined to my personal art journey but my teaching practice with community learners in the South Wales area in the UK.

As a start this image shows how I love to draw in pen and ink.  This image is one of a few I have done of Tenby, a couple of years ago now.  It took many hours but it was so relaxing and the use of bottle ink (for washes of ink) and technical pen was my prefered method to represent this scene.  I love the way the contrast helped to express this scene with a real feeling of atmosphere.  I love the way it takes a long time to build up an image like this.  It enables me to focus and express my flow of creativity at a pace that I can control.

Another pen and ink study is also of Cardiff castle and the main street viewing it.  I used the same method and apporach for this scene as I did for tenby above.  Again it took many hours but the result was very pleasing.  I had to use the grid method to caputure the details in pencil and then add the ink afterwards. 

Another study of Tenby, view from the harbour.  This was taken from one of my many Photos whoile on hiliday thertre.  As you walk around the castle mount you see such a scene from all directions , this is just one of them.  I applied the same methodology as I did the above two scens.  Again taking me many hours, but the satistfaction in completeimg this was so real.  Art is such a rewarder for self esteem.


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